Living Among the Sleeping and the Dead

This conversation isn’t for everyone, but that’s just the way of things, and the subject matter might explain why. You may or may not notice, but many people “living” around us are already dead. Of course not in the literal sense as they may be walking around just fine. However, today more than ever so many people are barely alive in terms of vibration. Many are owned and controlled by entities outside of themselves, and are perpetually asleep, or spiritually dead people walking. There is a reason for this and an esoteric term for some of these types of people, but that is another matter and perhaps another blog. Regardless, metaphorically and spiritually speaking, much of this life for the awake individual entails learning how to be the best version of ourselves while coexisting among the “dead”.

It’s been said over and over that we live in a matrix. And the system is designed to keep us trapped in that matrix. So those of us who have consciousness that transcend this dimension never truly learn who or what we are. We never become aware of the power we possess or what we can manifest. We get ensnared by low vibrational people all around us, and we fall victim to many of the traps laid before us to keep us asleep or dead while we are only technically alive.

The Agenda: The Systems in Place

We exist in and out of this dimension. Our true identity and origin story is never told to us. Instead, however, the self-appointed rulers of this prison planet want us to believe humanity is random, and that we slowly came about by happenstance “evolving” from primates.  They want you to completely ignore the complexities, potential and vastness of human intellect. And so many of the sleeping people blindly trusting the system believe these things they are told. Unfortunately, many people believe whatever they tell us and put in our books.

They routinely deaden our senses by literally poisoning the air, food, and water. They are chemically affecting health, the chakras, the very ability to think, and yes, even human sexuality. They do it through our media and entertainment, keeping us watching shows that dumb us down. These agendas even reverberate through our music. Never has there been so much mindless materialism and worship of money overall, especially in hip-hop, one of the world’s most powerful and influential art forms.  Money should be respected because we need it, not gloried to the point of making songs about it, bragging about possessions or talking on “money phones”.

Man is being harvested and kept dazed, confused, miseducated and misdirected. And as long as people remain ignorant and voluntarily give up their power, they will remain slaves in simplified lives.  Before death in the literal earthly sense, many people walking around you these days are already dead. They were simply never living awake enough to know they were dying.
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Also, many people are “soulless”, and these people try to keep you down on their low vibration. The sleeping and dead may not even realize it, but they operate as drones. They infect the living and help create an atmosphere of fear when it comes to being free, expressing yourself, asking questions and exploring the idea that there is more to life. They detest and avoid talk on a higher level, thinking it weird or outrageous. These types of people prefer you to talk about sports, romance, TV shows and trivial things. Some of these entities promote racism, sexism, nationalism and many social schools of thought anchoring you to a lower vibration. They don’t want you vibrating up, accessing your power and leaving them behind in a one-dimensional world of mundanity. And so the world is full of the dead, and multitudes who have been diverted and lulled to sleep.

The sleeping or dead individual questions nothing, has no desire to change anything about the world and is perfectly habituated in the work-sleep-shop hamster wheel. The sleeping or dead person doesn’t want to be made uncomfortable discussing complex issues or societal problems. The sleeping or dead person doesn’t want to challenge themselves or learn things outside of their realm of knowledge. The sleeping or dead person trusts the system, listens to the media, trusts the appointed authority figures and doesn’t see the game for what it is. In contrast, the person who is still alive with their essence intact knows that things aren’t as they should be, and that there is so much more.

The Resistance: Staying Awake

Staying awake is not that difficult when you are aware of the plight we are in. It’s all about knowing all the aforementioned things and staying “woke”, so to speak. Life is about ascending, evolving, growing and being the best version of yourself at all times. We are meant to learn, grow and ascend. That isn’t possible when you’ve been diverted off course, kept in shackles and controlled.

The powers that be are working overtime to keep most of us asleep and subservient to the system. We have a culture and people all around us attacking our moral compass, keeping us from our potential and pulling us down. We are constantly tricked or influenced into lowering our vibration. We’re indoctrinated to believe there are no universal laws and anything goes as long as long as we’re “happy”. We’re sucked into an ignorant culture that thinks the love of money is cool and should be our main priority in life. And when you can be simplified down to pursuing only earthly one-dimensional concepts, your energy has been taken from you, and you are on a fast track to being lulled to sleep on route to a spiritual death.

In a way, all those zombie movies depict what is going on in real life. There is a kind of zombie apocalypse that has been going on for a while now. And just like in the movies you have to stay uncontaminated, keep yourself safe and navigate through life cautiously. No, you don’t have to live perpetually in fear. That’s exactly what you shouldn’t do. You can and should live life to the fullest and enjoy your life. However, be aware that no, we are not all the same. Don’t choose to surround yourself around empty vessel people who will suck your energy and suppress your essence. Never feel weird for knowing there is more to life and wanting to explore it. And don’t allow yourself to be lulled back to sleep. For countless reasons that will eventually manifest itself to you, wake up and stay woke.


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